“This is not nowhere, this is somewhere special, this is home.”

– Dave Sweeney, Jabiluka campaign

This is not nowhere

2012 - 2015

Since the 1980s, the South Australian and Northern Territory outback has been the site of protest and resistance to uranium mining developments, with the first of the Roxby Blockades happening in 1983 and again in 1984. These blockades in the desert brought people from all over Australia to protest at the gates of the Olympic Dam uranium mine and demand that it be shut down.

People have been travelling to these sites in order to learn for themselves about what exactly is happening ‘out-there’, so the issues are no longer ‘out-of-sight, out-of-mind’.

This work is an ongoing exploration into the ways in which the anti-nuclear community, of which I am part of, are developing, and have developed, our own connection to place, memory and history amidst broader Australian social narratives, and, who are questioning and challenging what it means to exist in the contemporary Australian physical, social and political landscape.

“Space is not incidental but a central organising theme and an expression of collective identity”

– Fincher and Panelli (2001)




Operation Buffalo